Things we'd like to see at Burning Man 1999
Anyone who takes a photo of a nude person must also be nude
a friendly bicycle
repair camp
Black Rock City RV Park
Black Rock State University, along with some rival college,
in order to have "The Big Game"
Car Alarm Camp
Condom Balloon Animals Camp
Do-It-Yourself Body Piercing Camp
a dog barbeque, to offend all the idiots who insist on
bringing their dogs
more explosions
Guitar Tuning Camp
Ice Cream Camp
an Internet cafe
JFK Jr. crash site
KOA Kampground, Black Rock City
fewer law-enforcement officials
Leave No Trace
Loose Women & Fast Cars Camp
more naked boys
paved roads, dammit!
playa sherpas
running water in all camps
temporary neighborhood associations
Theme Camp Awards ceremony
Tiger Balm Masturbation Camp
a playa-colored trash fence
We Burn Our Man on Sunday Camp
÷ list compiled by Penfold, Mike Tarrant, LadyBee, Playa
Kitten, and Dennis Hinkamp, Adrian Roberts